Running Your Business By the Moon for MerMavens

4 Ways to Follow Your Instincts to Success
I grew up in a climate and a culture on the Canadian ‘wide open’ where every day was the same, “holidays” notwithstanding. Whether it was +30 or -30 degrees C, come Hell, come high water (and we flood on the prairies!), it was business as usual. I prayed for every day to be different. Haha, I already had what I wanted!
Because every day is different. Each day has it's own unique flow, which allows for some things to be easily born, and others wait. It’s energy, and while we are not at its mercy -- you’re it! -- we can either work with it, or fight a futile fight against it. Being a merpreneur poses a special opportunity to build the moon right into your not-so-conventional business plan.
In fact it can guide you in every aspect of your life’s work, including the money part, to pinpoint the times that most favour success in each kind of activity you need to take on. So the next time you feel like you’re pushing against the river, have tea with the moon (does she like espresso?) and let her speak with you about what she prefers at what time and how to tap most easily into business success that is driven by your instincts, natural cycles and natural allowances.
To save you some precious time for serving others with your gifts, here’s a skinny on the opportunities various times of the month create for us.
Full Moon
We have our highest energy at the full moon, and for this reason it may make us a little loony! But that craziness for a merpreneur is like gold. The full moon means the pot is stirred, all the elements are readily available and you can whip up a storm (creative or destructive) with the greatest ease over any other time of the month. This energy surge is great for getting things done in your business, powering through the to-do’s you may be resisting, and creating powerful momentum for the income and impact you’re wanting to create.
This is also “see through” time, where we can download some of our biggest revelations about our self and our life’s work. With the portal of the full moon, it's also a powerful time to release. Talk to anyone who worked in an emergency room or on emergency services, that people's sh*t come up more than ever during this time. And when that garbage comes up is the best time to release it, it already has moon momentum!! And finally, it’s time to celebrate!
To look back on what you’ve created or accomplished over the past moon cycle and honour that, no matter how big or small it may be. This is not a great time for sleeping, so be aware of over-stimulating yourself, over-working, over-delivering and going on a moon-bender like I always do. Remember, those full moons come around every month (telling myself!).
Waning Moon
During the waning moon, that full moon “electricity” starts to soften and let up. There’s still plenty of energy available for cleaning up after the mess you may have created in the full moon time. It's a great time to finish what you started, and follow through on your intentions and promises. The waning moon is also a good time to pay attention to your finances, to handle the bills and call in moneys owed.
It's the perfect energy for clearing the way for the new moon visioning, so when it comes you are not buried underneath your money or other business clutter. Often for me the most productive time of the moon, this is an opportunity to be grounded and act like a grown up in your business. It’s easier and sexier to vision, create and celebrate than it is to clean up the mess, dot those “I’s” and cross those “t’s,” but you will see enormous benefits if you use the waning moon for this kind of disciplined action, one of the Mer superpowers if that's you.
If the word discipline gives you dry mouth, here's a reframe for you. The root of discipline is disciple; the root of disciple is devotion; and of course the heart of devotion is love.
Only true love can inspire us to be disciplined without it being a sheer act of ego will.
New Moon
Pull out your inner visionary sisters! At this time you have a knack for seeing your big picture, and how your big picture fits in with the big picture! Don’t expect too much productivity of yourself right at the new moon. The energy drops remarkably and sends us into a natural state of day-dreaming. Ideally a woman menstruates at this time, so deep relaxation and energetically giving back what they earth has given you is called for.
Because of the fertile openness the new moon brings, it's a good time to clear space for your new vision to take seed. Where your money and business are concerned specially, it’s a great time to set new business intentions and income goals to envision exactly how you are going to meet those goals.
The Universe, she loves specificity.
Waxing Moon
While the moon is waxing, this is an excellent time to cultivate and plant seeds in the fertile soil created during the new moon. In your business that means connecting with new speaking opportunities, starting new client relationships, meeting over collaboration ideas. Also, setting new income projects into motion, and scheduling a launch are favoured now.
Sometimes the hardest time of my month, this is a time when anything new you have created has been birthed, and lives on the edge in a precarious state as an infant -- needing lots of tender care and attention to survive. Though I recommend this any time of the month, it’s an especially good time to have some kind of means for releasing fears around manifesting, and other strong emotions that may unconsciously sabotage the “babies” you have created in your life’s work.
Therefore, it’s the perfect time to cultivate the relationships that would support the life of your creations, being crystal clear communicating your vision and engaging community. When the rubber meets the road for a full time femme-preneur who is driven by love and the changes she can make, any time of the month represents a special opportunity to get particular work done.
Inspiration rules at the end of the day. Whatever you are inspired to do is what you should do next to increase income in your business. Be ware of using the moon cycle to procrastinate on the risks you don’t want to take though. If you truly follow your inspiration though, you will likely find that it matches up with the moon-money that is favoured by this most powerful and easy-to-follow of natural cycles.
To share with me where you get stuck, learn more about how to use moon cycles to run your business and increase your income to reflect what you give to your life’s work, click here.
If you're in the Winnipeg area (that's Canada!), sign up to join us for the Full Moon Women's Circle for Love-Driven Femme-Preneurs.
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