7 Ways to Use Full Moon Energy to Create Abundance in Your Life's Work (and Your Life!)
1. Receive.
The moon represents our receptive energy. When the moon is full, your receptivity is at it’s highest. To best cooperate with and use this energy, see what if anything stands in your way of fully receiving. Are you blocking it unconsciously? Are you confused between the receptive and the active roles and not being clear in either one of them? You could let all of that go.
2. Commune.
Gathering with two or more will amplify the receiving energy of the moon by creating shared intentions, group hallucinations of good coming in and accountability to the courageous actions that often accompany the flow of abundance, especially in the life’s work.
3. Take courageous action.
The full moon has a tonne of energy surrounding it, watch how it can pull entire oceans!! So it’s a perfect time to slipstream on the full moon energy and get yourself into empowered, brave and right action. How do you know it’s the right action?
4. Release.
Because of the added energy around the full moon, releasing becomes easier and more fun (if you like freedom that is, LOL). It’s a natural time to see clearly. If the joy, energy and enthusiasm for taking action in your life’s work and business isn’t coming easily, then it means there is garbage in the way. Because of the high energy you will suppress more powerfully than in other moon times, so see if you can be hyper-vigilant with yourself to see where you are suppressing and where you can be even more brave and let the stuff come up. The acting out we can be afraid of is a product of suppressing, not letting stuff up.
5. Let yourself be blinded by the natural…ness.
Other times of the month when moon energy is more subtle, we can miss her. We can miss the Mistress we don’t serve and we can easily be blind-sided when nature up and does something without our felt cooperation. Let the full moon energy remind you of your roots in this earth, in this fire, in this water, in this wind and this space. Let it remind you that you are part of a much larger being that exists through time. Let it remind you that this force of nature is none other than yourself, supreme ruler over all humans and bow down to her. Not because she’s frightening, but because of her immense power and beauty.
6. Amplification.
The full moon energy being the blast that it is has the ability to heighten whatever it finds. It amplifies indiscriminately. If there is much resistance, it’s going to feel the strongest at the full moon. If there is much joy and pleasure, it’s going to feel heightened with the full moon. If there is much vision, strong goals and joyfully taken action it’s going to heighten your ability to attract abundance. Go back to step 4 if you realize the full moon is bringing out what you don’t want.
7. Resistance will make you mad.
Literally. It’s easier than ever to kick up a storm at the full moon as I talked about in step 6. Talk to emergency workers and first responders and they will tell you it’s no lie, that people who are likely to lose it, will do so at the full moon. If there are areas you are stuck, you are going to FEEL more stuck than ever at the full moon.
But it’s actually good news, the more stuck you feel the more easily you can release. So when the resistance comes up, just give it as much space as it needs, even if it’s a whole city block or the whole city. Better yet, get out into the natural environment and let your resistance melt into streams, lakes, creeks, and into the ocean.
Would you like to get more in tune with how to use natural flow to amplify the flow in your life's work, but not sure where to begin? Click here to contact me and let me know where you feel you might be getting stuck.
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