Court Proceedings Role Play - With The BigSib

In this participatory workshop with champion in law courts, BigSib (Brandon) we'll be role playing court! 

Bring your tickets, your suits, grievances you'd like to be heard, and jump in with Brandon who says he is always anticipating what the judge is going to say and how they will respond.

Learning to think like a judge and prosecutor allows  you to have the very best outcome in court so you'll be heard, respected, and be able to move the court in the way you want.

After the role play there will be time for questions and debriefing.


Some words of wisdom from Brandon, The BigSib

1) inspiration - I actually set out to prove the Bible wrong as another mechanism of control.

It is funny how truth can be twisted to maintain control of those living a lie. Once I grasped the similarities of law to the fundamental truths in the Bible,  I knew that I had stumbled upon my rock that couldn't be moved.

2) I help people learn to use their own brain. I am not going to do anything for anyone that refuses to help themselves. I teach simplicity using grammar, logic, and reason to assist others in raising their own consciousness. 

We can sell the fish to someone or teach them how to fish.

3) fortitude- having the courage to stand in the face of tyranny,  not allowing the sickness of fear to determine my life or my search for justice and truth. Being able to adjust my perception to fit the truth is the next value that is important. We all have an adversary to beat, it is our carnal mind which is enmity with God.


All of the Details

Date: Monday, September 12, 2022
Time: 7:00 PM CDT
Where: Zoom
Investment: Zero-cost with membership to the House of Free Will Ministry 

DONATIONS DIRECTLY TO BigSib ARE MOST WELCOME: Email him donations to Bsibley97 at 

About the House of Free Will MinistryBM HOFWM Logo 3a Circle No Back

Founder, Beth Martens says, "The core mission of this PMA is to serve the betterment of our earth, our community and our lives. The purpose of this mission is to provide members with a forum to conduct all matters including but not limited to activities of fellowship, ministry, study, coaching, teaching, training, counsel, advice, support, and convenient exchange between members for mutual benefit in the Private Domain and to provide a medium through which its individual members may associate for bringing to fruition the purposes here declared."

The House of Free Will Ministry’s vision is to be established as an assembly of God’s People worldwide — those like-minded and hearted souls who gather to hold fellowship, heal, learn, train, find meaning and purpose, co-create, freely exchange, care for each other, and stand for their God-given rights to freely engage, without hinderance or harm, as they are freely willed to support life to thrive on God’s great earth.  

…I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live. – Deuteronomy 31:19 (KJV)