Are You Bursting With Purpose...
But don't know where to begin?
Every one of God's children came to earth with a mission.
I nearly lost my life not honouring it. In fact, I was so out of alignment with myself that my I had to face a 3 year knock-em-down fight for my life with a stage 4 lymphoma.
For me the key turner that saved my life was discovering my archetypes. In awakening them I discovered what was sucking the life out of me, turned the corner, and never had to look back.
See if this sounds like you
You want to be part of bringing paradise back to God's earth.
You know you have a role to play, but you can't decide what that is right now.
Everyone asks you for help. Not being clear about your direction makes you over-give of your time and resources.
You have multiple skills, talents, ambitions, and demands on your time - especially since the plandemic - but you can't focus, and are getting nowhere going in every direction.
When things fall apart.
On the heels of my father's and mother's death nearly 20 years after surviving my own cancer, I had a breakthrough about the Journey archetypes and the archetypal Hero's Journey that every person on this earth travels.
The death of a parent is like a sweeping net in the ocean. It pulls and drags everything in its path, the good the bad and the ugly. And that's a gift, because I made it so.
What was left on the other side was gold to me - a brand new direction with unstoppable commitment that meant I finally wrote and published my book Journey, I started my King Hero's Journey podcast, and created coaching and courses for the empowered truth-loving among us.
You are not naturally lost, you are naturally clear.
The reason it seems so natural to be directionless is because that's exactly the way our is engineered, but only if we're not engineering it ourselves.
If we lived under natural circumstances in God's garden each one would much more easily discover for themselves how they fit in with, contribute to, and receive from their people. Direction is natural and organic.
But since we run with weights on in this unnatural world, it makes it that much more powerful and rewarding to get clear against the odds.
Direction is freedom.
And it begins with knowing what freedom is to you. That's your intimate relationship with God, so only you can know it. But there are a ton of signs that can be seen. I call them divine breadcrumbs.
Once you're on YOUR path, it takes a lot of the pressure off.
In this reading of your Journey archetypes you will discover where in your top three Journey archetypes do you lose the most clarity on your mission.
It will help you...
- Understand what exactly is stopping you from having a natural direction.
- Make concrete decisions about where to focus, so you can stop wasting your time, attention and energy going in every direction.
- Reclaim the lost energy of running mysterious loops you notice in your thoughts, feelings, actions, and situations.
- Have a plan for creating the next leg of your life's work as you navigate the apocalypse.
See what artist and coach, Nancy McGill, "Lil McGill" experienced in her 'Deep Diving for Direction' Journey archetype reading and coaching.
I would love to help support you.
What I've noticed is that people with purpose and clear direction take purposeful and clear action that is backed by God.
It's my mission to serve those truth and justice lovers who want freedom more than they want anything, and who are clear that they have a role in it, even if they don't know which way to turn at this time.
60 Minute Reading
$197 USD
In this one-on-one, personal Journey Archetype reading by phone or Zoom (with a recording) you will learn the gifts and shadows of your top three Journey archetypes where you are losing the most clarity.
90 Minute Reading +
$347 USD
In this one-on-one, personal Journey Archetype reading by phone or Zoom (with a recording) you will learn the gifts and shadows of your top three Journey archetypes where you are losing the most clarity, get some assistance to deprogram your top archetype, and make a plan for taking action in the direction that is revealed. Comes along with the following online courses:
90 Minute Personal Reading with Coaching
$1,297 USD
In addition to what is included in the 90 Minute Reading+ receive 6 personal weekly coaching sessions for implementing your plan for going powerfully in your new-found direction. Also includes the following bonus online courses:
Awakening Your Inner Compass
Working with archetypes is not a new-agey thing. It's about seeing the design of you, the special way you are blue-printed, what recognizable and repeating patterns they make, and how you can use them as a map to create your life by conscious choice instead of tacitly agreeing to what you don't really, in your soul, want. You have direction, it's just covered up with layers of programming.