Hello Beth! I found the quiz very helpful. I immediately accessed my copy of your Journey Book online (after taking the archetype quiz) and got right to work for a bit….. It completely resonates with me. I did watch the videos you provided me with, last evening and they again are so helpful! I am feeling even more ready to dig deeper. Again this completely resonates. It’s like a dream come true for me as it is answering so many of the “hanging” questions I have had for years. Thanks again!


I took your quiz and at first I couldn't see myself in that archetype...at all. And then over the next few days it started coming in in technicolour, there it was all along!!! Thank you for this window into your work, I will definitely be taking you up on courses soon.


I'm so grateful for this, thank you! Every time I listen to what you say on podcasts what you have journeyed and brought forth is so inspiring. It's a goal of mine to shine brightly uncovering my true self and essence, to me it looks like you already live in that place of shining forth from your authentic self. Thank you for being that lighthouse and reminder :)


Yes I can relate to my archetype! I want to learn more about your work. I am a life coach and I feel your work on archetypes can be an important tool to add to my tool box!


A bit about me if we haven't met yet...  

I’m a pattern hunter, archetype reader, podcaster, author, coach trainer, andmedium beth photo1 khj shoot business coach, and my calling is a life or death thing.

After a decade as a corporate VP in my family’s firm, eight trips to India, and a three-year battle with cancer nearly 25 years ago, I used archetypes and deprogramming harmful patterns to save my life.

Today I help people who love the truth more than they’re afraid of tyrants, who want to serve on their Hero’s Journey, to find their sacred purpose, be valued for their life’s work, de-program the beast system, and survive the ordeals of the adventure.

As recovering feminist, I am honoured to host regular King Hero interviews highlighting leaders, entrepreneurs, movement makers, and purveyors of freedom. 

Journey Code is the brainchild of the plandemic that began in 2020 five minutes after I published My book, 'Journey: A Map of Archetypes to Find Lost Purpose in a Sea of Meaninglessness’. I always knew I was going to teach the skills of helping people deprogram, and the new circus world we found ourselves in inspired me to create a way for more of this work to become available.  
