
A Map of Archetypes for Finding Lost Purpose in a Sea of Meaninglessness


Get a hard copy of my book Journey to explore the 8 archetypes that map the path of purpose. Read how I used archetypes to overcome a 3 year fight with a stage 4 cancer, and how the work of de-programming is a powerful path to truth and freedom. Includes instant access to a bonus series of archetype study group recordings on each archetype, and a PDF copy of Journey in case you want to start reading right away.

4 Album Download


Download all four albums of my music to help people get inspired, go inward, and connect with their bodies, breath, and soul's sacred voice.

The Soul's Voice (2012)

The Yoga Lullabies (2007)

Where There's Beauty (2003)

Vijaya: Living Knowledge (1999)

Archetypes to Deprogram the New World Disorder


You want to use the power God gave you. But you don’t know where to begin.

Go on an archetype journey to reclaim your personal power and harness your free will of choice so you can be of the most service to others as they awaken to the programming of the New World Disorder. 

Archetypes to Deprogram the New World Disorder


You want to use the power God gave you. But you don’t know where to begin.

Go on an archetype journey to reclaim your personal power and harness your free will of choice so you can be of the most service to others as they awaken to the programming of the New World Disorder. 

Archetypes to Deprogram the New World Disorder


Primal Power is a 5 week online course to awaken the power of the wholeness, authority, purpose, faith, and free will of choice in these trying times. Most people don’t realize they hold the power of miracles in their own hands. By navigating the 5 Primal Archetypes that are universal to everyone, you will see where your power is getting tied up, learn how to let deprogram the new world disorder, and become a force for freedom. 


A course for people who love freedom more than anything to demystify and decode their sacred purpose so they can get and stay on their Hero's Journey. By working with archetypes and simple de-programming tools, learn to release what hides God-given purpose.

Includes eight modules, a detailed workbook, Find Your Sacred Purpose class recordings, and Q & A session recordings to access the hidden and divine breadcrumbs to follow during the test of these times.


A course with author, de-programming coach and coach trainer, Beth Martens, for people who love freedom to demystify and decode their sacred purpose, to get and stay on their Hero's Journey, and to work with archetypes and de-programming tools, so they can release what stops good men and women from fulfilling on their God-given purpose.

Coaching Certification Training


A seven-month coaching certification training to learn how to use and coach with the nine most effective de-programming tools, to read and coach with eight Hero's Journey archetypes, and the seven principles of transformational coaching. With the tools, the archetype map, and solid guidelines for being in integrity and serving the very most, with completion and certification, this training prepares you to be a professional coach, to create a body of work related to your coaching, and to be valued for helping others.

Coaching Certification Training


A seven-month coaching certification training to learn how to use and coach with the nine most effective de-programming tools, to read and coach with eight Hero's Journey archetypes, and the seven principles of transformational coaching. With the tools, the archetype map, and solid guidelines for being in integrity and serving the very most, with completion and certification, this training prepares you to be a professional coach, to create a body of work related to your coaching, and to be valued for helping others.

Archetype and De-Programming Coaching Training


A coaching certification program for learning to coach others including 7 Principles of Transformational Coaching, 8 Journey Archetypes, and 9 Releasing Tools.