The House of Free Will Ministry - A Private Ministerial Association
By joining the House of Free Will Ministry Association, a Private Membership Association and/or any website or Social Media Group started by, created by, maintained, or organized by the Association, I agree to the terms and conditions of the House of Free Will Ministry Association, hereinafter “the Association”, a Private Membership Association (PMA) in the Private Domain, under the Agreement as follows.
- Objective: This Association of members declares that our objective is to provide the Private Membership Association founders and all Private Membership Association members with a platform in which to conduct all manner of private activity and convenient exchange with the Association and with other Associations and Association members, keeping all activities in the Private Domain. Under the supremacy of God, the protections, rights, and freedoms of the Private Domain are acknowledged and protected by the Canadian Bill of Rights; the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR); the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR); The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT); the Duty to Accommodate and the Laws protecting religious rights and freedoms in Canada, under the Criminal Code 423, 176 & 180. These documents do not give us freedoms and rights but acknowledge that under the supremacy of God and God’s Law as found in the Holy Bible our members inherently hold the freedoms and rights to associate in the private. The House of Free Will Ministry private association provides a space for members of like heart and mind to create, learn, be active, grow, heal, serve, work together, and exchange within the Private Domain.
- Rights and Freedoms: The Holy Bible, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT), and the Canadian Bill of Rights all acknowledge and protect the fact that our members have the absolute, God-given rights and freedoms of religion, speech, petition, assembly; and to freely pursue their physical, spiritual, economic, social, and cultural development. Therefore, WE HEREBY declare that we are exercising our right of “freedom of association” and “right of self-determination”. This means that our Association activities are restricted to the Private Domain only and outside of the jurisdiction of government entities, agencies, officers, agents, contractors, and other representatives as provided by law.
- Declaration of Self-Determination: We declare the basic right of every member to self-responsibly determine and choose freely for themselves which Association founders or members or resources to engage with for any purpose concerning all matters physical, material, spiritual, mental, lawful, legal, financial and any other matter including but not limited to activities of fellowship, ministry, coaching, teaching, training, counsel, healing, advice, support, and exchange. Further, we expect the freedom to choose and perform for ourselves the types of therapies and treatments that we think best for diagnosing, treating and preventing illness and disease and for achieving and maintaining optimum health and wellness, as well as the freedom to choose for ourselves any types of assistance which may be made regarding health, law and any other private business activity.
- Mission: The core mission of this PMA is to serve the betterment of our earth, our community and our lives. The purpose of this mission is to provide members with a forum to conduct all matters including but not limited to activities of fellowship, ministry, study, coaching, teaching, training, counsel, advice, support, and convenient exchange between members for mutual benefit in the Private Domain and to provide a medium through which its individual members may associate for bringing to fruition the purposes here declared.
- Vision: The House of Free Will Ministry’s vision is to be established as an assembly of God’s People worldwide — those like-minded and hearted souls who gather to hold fellowship, heal, learn, train, find meaning and purpose, co-create, freely exchange, care for each other, and stand for their God-given rights to freely engage, without hinderance or harm, as they are freely willed to support life to thrive on God’s great earth.
…I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live. – Deuteronomy 31:19 (KJV)
- Recognition: The Association will recognize as a member any natural man or woman of any origin or religion, who have joined this Association in good faith with the spirit of connection and collaboration, and agrees with the values, principles, and expectations of this Association; providing said individual has not been sanctioned, excised, or otherwise banned by the Association.
- Values of Conduct: The core values of the House of Free Will Ministry that guide the conduct of all activity within it include but are not limited to faith in God, fellowship, free will of choice, truth, community, family, co-creation, engagement, wholeness, optimism, nature, self-determination, self-exploration, self-responsibility, healing, morality, justice, and authenticity.
- Transparency: Remaining a recognized member of The Association is conditional on his or her truly-expressed identity including both Christian and family names. Use of a screen name or false/hidden identity to interact with any member at any time will dissolve this Membership Agreement. Please join in fellowship with your Christian and family name while you are engaging in this House, for the purpose and benefit of all members. You’re not here seeking privacy from your brothers and sisters in the founder’s House, you’re seeking privacy from the public.
- Termination: Membership to this Association, House of Free Will Ministry Association, and any of its groups may be terminated by the Association Trustees or their designee, at any time, should they conclude that a specific member is interacting with them, or any other members, in a way that is contrary or detrimental to the focus, principles, and betterment of this Association.
- Complaints and Grievances: I understand that, since The Association is acknowledged and protected by the Christian faith as evidenced in the Holy Bible; the Canadian Bill of Rights (a, c & e); the International Covenant (ICCPR) Articles 1, 4, 6, 7, 8.2, 11, 18, 19, 21, 23, 27; and the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution; it is outside the jurisdiction and authority of Federal and Provincial/ Territorial Agencies and Authorities concerning any and all complaints or grievances against The Association members or other support people. All complaints or grievances will be settled by an Association designee, committee, or tribunal; and public methods of resolution are waived by the member for the benefit of The Association and its members by accepting this agreement.
In addition, by accepting this agreement the member is agreeing that should there be any internal conflict with myself (Beth Martens) or other coaches, trustees, or advisors to the House of Free Will, the member is obligated to communicate with me to resolve the conflict, and not engage in gossip. Failing to do that will result in cancellation of membership to the House of Free Will.
- I agree to become a member of the House of Free Will Ministry Association, a Private Membership Association under God’s Law, whose members seek greater spiritual conviction, personal mastery, healing, community connection, valued purpose, justice, and demonstrated free will of choice.
(A) For purposes of this PMA I am voluntarily changing my capacity from that of a public person to that of a private living member. My activities within The Association are a private contractual matter that are none of the business of the Local, Provincial/Territorial, or Federal investigative or enforcement agencies. I fully agree not to pursue any course of legal action against a fellow member of The Association, unless that member has exposed me to a clear and present danger of substantive evil, and upon the recommendation and approval of the Association.
- Exchange: I agree that there are no refunds for donations, subscriptions, or other value attributed to House of Free Will Ministry Association. What is given, is given freely. I realize that membership donations and subscription guidelines can change. All exchange among members is their private matter to be sorted in their own private communication with no level of management by The Association. All exchange between individual members is their private matter to be sorted in their own private communication, and not within any group context.
- Informed Consent: I enter into this agreement of my own free will without any pressure or coercion. I affirm that I do not represent any Local, Provincial/Territorial or Federal agency whose purpose is to regulate and approve products or services in the Public Domain, or to carry out any mission of enforcement, entrapment, or investigation. I have read and understood this document, and my questions have been answered fully to my satisfaction. I understand that I can withdraw from this agreement and terminate my membership in this association at any time, and that my membership can be revoked if I engage in abusive, dishonest, violent, menacing, destructive, harassing, or nuisance behaviour towards any other member of The Association. By accepting this agreement, I agree that I have sought sufficient education to determine that this is the course of action I want to take for myself. By entering into this membership agreement am giving informed consent to be a member.
I voluntarily agree to join House of Free Will Ministry, a private membership association under common law, governed by ecclesiastical law as interpreted by House of Free Will Ministry whose members seek to help each other achieve deeper spiritual growth, better health and good quality of life.
This agreement serves as a private contract, which began on the date of my joining the "House of Free Will Ministry". I declare that by joining this Association and/or the Association’s websites and/or social media group(s), I have carefully read the whole of this document and I understand and agree with it.
These pages consist of the entire agreement for membership in The Association.
House of Free Will (HOFWM) Membership Agreement.pdf