The Garden of Children - with Caitlyn and John Logan

Caitlyn and John Logan workshop (3)

Workshop By Caitlyn and John Logan

Friday, August 4th at 3 PM CDT

In this empowering workshop, we will explore childhood education through the pedagogical framework from Rudolf Steiner, Maria Montessori, Fredrich Froebel and others, bringing insight for learning with your children to best facilitate their holistic development. A child’s first education begins in the home. We believe each child is a unique genius with God-given gifts and the job of parents and educators should be to nurture and foster these strengths to fully develop the potential of the children in a holistic way. By the end of the presentation, we hope that you will walk away motivated and equipped with resources to nurture the individual brilliance or your offspring's potential. Come with us to fill your heart and mind with inspiration for the magic of childhood development. We invite you to join those who are honorary cultivators of the next generation of moral, free-thinking, liberated men and women. The strongest influence on your child’s development is your own character and lifestyle as someone who is “worthy of imitation." Thank you for joining us on this noble journey. God Bless!

About our Education Program
We are the founders and educators of Rock Rose Farm, Private Membership Association. Our mission is to protect children from public school indoctrination and medical mandates, while providing the best educational methods from pioneers in history, such as Johann Pestalosi, Fredrich Froebel, Maria Montessori, Charlotte Mason, Rudolph Steiner and more. We study and train autodidactically from these methods, using our intuition to provide the appropriate curriculum given the individualized needs of the children in our program. Our living curriculum is organically designed to develop children’s natural ability to see what’s beautiful, follow their intuition, think critically and create innovatively. We empower children through a beautiful daily rhythm composed of a Waldorf Main Lesson, blended with self-directed manipulatives and open-ended play modalities inspired by Fredrich Froebel, Rudolf Steiner and Maria Montessori. Our Educators assess each child’s needs, supporting their individual learning styles and developmental stages. This cultivates their natural brilliance and God-given potential. Our enrichment center is a revolutionary inside/outside classroom setting. We provide the children with space to follow their inherent interests, thus allowing their natural developmental forces to deepen and establish a strong, passionate base for life-long learning. We strongly believe that children own their unique learning process and that no one else does. In recognizing this, we nourish and guide the children at a gentle pace so they can feel safe to freely express themselves and curiously explore. We have small class sizes of multi-ages between 4 – 10 years old, allowing for a personalized learning curriculum that is child-centered and self-directed. Our teachers are filled with passion and love for children and teaching.  They strive to develop self-sufficient human beings who are connected to nature and their soul’s path. We honor the special miracle of childhood development with an emphasis on the magic of living.  We teach the lessons of becoming lifelong learners, capable of solving any and all challenges. We invest in the creative, intellectual, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of our students.

Additional Resources: 

Fredrich Froebel:

Maria Montessori:

Rudolf Steiner/Waldorf: 

Johann Pestalosi:

Charlotte Mason:

All of the Details

Date: Friday, August 4th
Time: 3:00 PM CDT
Where: Zoom
Investment: Zero-cost with membership to the House of Free Will Ministry 

Make a donation directly to Caitlyn and John: (password: courage)

About the House of Free Will Ministry BM HOFWM Logo NEW with Tag 300dpiSept 2022

Founder, Beth Martens says, "The core mission of this PMA is to serve the betterment of our earth, our community and our lives. The purpose of this mission is to provide members with a forum to conduct all matters including but not limited to activities of fellowship, ministry, study, coaching, teaching, training, counsel, advice, support, and convenient exchange between members for mutual benefit in the Private Domain and to provide a medium through which its individual members may associate for bringing to fruition the purposes here declared."

The House of Free Will Ministry’s vision is to be established as an assembly of God’s People worldwide — those like-minded and hearted souls who gather to hold fellowship, heal, learn, train, find meaning and purpose, co-create, freely exchange, care for each other, and stand for their God-given rights to freely engage, without hinderance or harm, as they are freely willed to support life to thrive on God’s great earth.  

…I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live. – Deuteronomy 31:19 (KJV)